Spinal Decompression KDT system – The KDT Neural-Flex Spinal Decompression System is a non-invasive and highly advanced spinal decompression table to relief conditions like herniated discs, sciatica, and degenerative disc disease. It works by gently stretching the spine, relieving pressure on compressed discs and nerves, and promoting healing through improved blood flow and nutrient exchange.
Neuropathy – MicroVAS therapy – also known as Microvascular Therapy or Vascular Therapy, is a type of treatment used to enhance blood circulation, promote healing, and improve tissue regeneration by using low-frequency, electrical stimulation. This therapy works by targeting the microcirculation, which is the small blood vessels in the body that are responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to tissues. It is often used in the treatment of wounds, injuries, and conditions where circulation may be compromised, such as chronic pain, poor healing, and inflammation.
MicroVAS therapy is believed to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes by improving blood flow, reducing swelling, and promoting cellular repair and regeneration. It can be used for various conditions such as:
Chronic wounds – helping improve circulation to support wound healing.
Pain management – reducing pain and inflammation.
Improving circulation – especially in cases of poor blood flow.
Athletic recovery – enhancing muscle recovery and reducing fatigue.
Neuropathy – improving nerve function in some cases.
The treatment typically involves applying electrodes to the skin, which deliver controlled electrical impulses. It’s non-invasive and generally considered safe, though it’s always important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine its suitability for a particular condition.